Saturday, March 5, 2011

i miss america

I truly appreciate America. I miss having toilet paper and hand soaps in bathrooms. I miss the Health Regulations and Sanitary Ratings at every restaurant. I miss heating in classrooms. I miss wireless internet. I miss Jersey Shore and In-n-out.

I miss people getting in line to wait for things instead of crowding around randomly. I miss driving in a car. I miss the pedestrian's right of way. I miss LA and the amazing weather. It's cold and gloomy here- Big Bear Cold. People rarely say please and thank you, and everyone ignores you on the street when you ask them to help you take a picture.

America, you may be the cultural wasteland of the world, but goddamn it you have a pretty high standard of living compared to most of the world and I love you for it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I miss my new rave buddy! hahaha