Tuesday, January 3, 2012

why, hello there 2012.

The beginning of a new year has come upon us once again. Just last year I was getting ready to pack up my things and move on to a new adventure: studying abroad in Shanghai. All I would have with me in this new journey would fit into two compact suitcases on a China Airlines flight. It was the first time I would really leave home, my comfort zone of Arcadia/Irvine, and truly be away from my parents or anything I've known for the past 22 years of my life. It seemed just like yesterday when I finished my last "Fall Quarter" at UC Irvine. Without even reflecting back on this time in my life, I've realized another year has passed by. A lot of things have changed. I graduated and found a job. Without a real transition, I jumped from being an international student in Shanghai, to having my first full-time job in the city.

It's amazing how much can change in a year. The point is, time passes by so quickly. I feel like people make a huge deal out of New Year's Resolutions... but I feel like if you have a problem or something you want to change in your life, don't wait until next year to make those changes. Do it now. If you want to say something, say it. Don't let time be your enemy- make it your catalyst for change. Make it your ally in living life to the fullest. Don't dwell on the past because you can't change it. Instead, welcome new friends, experiences, and journeys. #goodvibes

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