Thursday, November 18, 2010

thank you internet

So today on my way to work I discovered that our toilet was clogged. I went online to Yellow Pages and searched for plumbers in Irvine. The guys says someone will be there in thirty minutes, so I decide to wait and show up to work a little late. I ask for a phone estimate, but they say they only give you estimates once they see it. Nope, the guy arrives an hour later. Tells me it's going to cost $150 to unclog the toilet.

Fuck that. That's like buying 2 TAO tickets.

I go online and Google how to unclog a toilet. Purchase 2 gloves for $0.99, and a plunger for $5.99 at Target. Total spent was around $8 with tax, etc. I unclog it within 5-10 minutes including clean up time, etc.


Do they really charge people $150?!? Doesn't seem right to me.

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